Our Services: Technical analysis of the website

What does “Technical Analysis” mean and what does it include?

Search engine optimization is much more difficult if the website is not working properly. Then it appears on the low position in the search results. Visitors leave, finding errors. Search engines have their own site ranking parameters. Part of these parameters we know, and about the part we can only guess or rely on common sense.

It is clear that ordinary site visitors do not care whether the robots.txt file is filled out correctly, since desired content submitted in a convenient form (usability and design) are more important.

Therefore, before starting to promote the site it is very important to analyze it's technical condition and, if possible, to correct the maximum number of errors, as well as to optimize the existing systems. Our list of criteria and parameters for checking the site includes about 100 items that can be grouped by topic


Let's take a closer look at these items and analyze what is included in each of them. In our package "Website аnalysis" a report is issued on all these parameters, concerning all pages of the site. Recommendations for corrections will also be given and all possible assistance will be provided.

1. Current statistic and bounce rate

Current statistic and bounce rate

Before you start making any changes to the site, you need to understand the current state of the site. And first of all you need to look at the data that has already collected search engines about your site. We discussed this topic in the post Analysis of the website current situation”.

If your site is already connected to statistics collection systems (for example, Google Analytics), it also establishes the main characteristics of the site, the main of which is the number of visitors coming to the site from organic search. So-called "bounce rate" indicates how the pages of your site meet the expectations of visitors. In the future, this information will be a starting point, a comparative point in tracking the impact of changes on search engines.

2. Domains and servers information

In addition to the standard DNS data of your domain, important information is how correctly your site works. What is checked?

  • availability of all necessary redirects (for example from www domain to domain without www, index files, etc.).
  • availability of security protocols and certificates, as well as their validity.
  • availability of system files (sitemap.xml, robots.txt) and possible errors in them.
  • coding and description of each page and picture on the site
  • how the code meets standards.

3. Information from search engines about website

Checklist of Domains and servers information

Whether or not you have a statistics system installed on your site, if your site is not new, it is likely that search engines have already visited it and collected data on most pages of your site. We check how complete is this data and how true it is. If there are errors on the site that have been found by search engines, it is necessary to eliminate these errors as soon as possible and inform search engines that they have been corrected. Frequent errors include:

  • structured data errors
  • errors affecting the display of the site
  • site targeting to a specific language/country

4. Social factors and Social network supporting

Social networks are a significant marker of the state of your business. If you have a Facebook group and an Instagram or Twitter page, that's great. But are they related to your website? Does Google know that all these are representative offices of the same business? It is very important to link them to your website and make it easier for your visitors to share this information with their friends.

5. Content and Technical foundation of website

The basis of the site is its content. But even having interesting information it is necessary to present it correctly and accessibly for people who will visit your website. These parameters include:

  • Correctly specified page title
  • The title of the article and the main theme of this page correspond to each other.
  • Competent structuring and formation of information pages
  • The absence of duplicate pages, because of incorrect settings of the site
  • No broken links on the site
  • Availability of important information in the form of structured data on the website

6. Usability and Structure

Convenience while using your site determines whether people stay on the site and return to it. Noticing they stay, Google begins to send more and more visitors to the site. There are a number of points that improve usability. Very often their improvement leads to an increase in user involvement. For example, a clear visual structure of your website is a very important element. This is achieved through the style of titles and menus. Also on each page you need to make it clear to the user where he is at the moment. In addition to the above, “Breadcrumb Navigation” may help greatly. This is a kind of path to the current page from the first page of the site.

Do not forget also that according to statistics now more than 50% of people on the Internet ue it via mobile devices. Therefore, the way your site is displayed on mobile devices and how accessible it is also affect user experience.

7. Speed performance

Of course, people do not like to wait long for the site to load. Download speed is one of the important indicators that Google pays attention to when ranking a site in search results. Therefore, when checking the website speed, many parameters are checked, the main ones are:

  • Graphic elements optimization
  • Minifying and compressing scripts and styles
  • Using CDN to speed up loading
  • Number of requests from the site
  • The presence of scripts and elements blocking the display of the first screen
  • Static elements cashing
  • The speed of the server's response


Search engine optimization is carried out аccording to the results of technical analysis. The client receives a detailed report on the found shortcomings, as well as recommendations for their elimination and improvement of the resource efficiency. As a result of their implementation, the site will fully meet the requirements of search engines. The laid base will allow to promote and scale the project effectively.

Also, with further cooperation, all changes are monitored and all technical parameters are checked on a monthly basis.

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